New Age of Dissent
Tableau C. v. L.
Tableau S. v. S.
Tableau K. T.
Tableau L. E.
In naming my latest series ‘New Age of Dissent’, I am forging a link with ‘Notes from the New Age of Dissent’, the compilation of blog texts by the British journalist, author, and feminist, Laurie Penny, published in 2011. Penny, a self-declared feminist futurist, writes angry, passionate, and at the same time thoroughly humorous texts about the fears and frustrations that most of the younger generation know all too well. She thus gives a voice to those who can express their silent fears only as a persistent sense of dissatisfaction.
The same can be said also of the female artists I present in my psychogram-like portraits in the form of tableaus. In rendering visible the subjects’ inner emotional worlds, the photographs subtly reveal insights into the phenomena of our time that trouble and drive these artists – sexual identity, exclusion, discrimination, critiques of capitalism, et al.