Einsamer Eros [Lonesome Eros]
Single No. I
Single No. II
Single No. III
Objekt Klein a
Couple No. I
Couple No. II
In my series „Einsamer Eros“ I have been working on symbolic portraits of singles and couples in the form of pictorial tableaux resembling psychograms. In these I arrange staged images of the body, still lifes, short texts and objets trouvés that offer allusions to concrete individuals and their sensibilities. By contrast to the traditional portrait, the faces remains invisible. Instead, I take up the pictorial rhetoric of classical painting and create expressive, emotionally charged metaphorical and symbolic images, which allow viewers insight into the inner world of the human being portrayed. For me is portraiture a hermeneutical work in an endeavour to grasp one person’s life from a variety of perspectives, in order to interpret it.